Monday, September 14, 2015

I've Gone All A-Twitter

People are often surprised by my personal lack of social media presence. After all, what kind of social media manager am I if I'm not baring all on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all day? My answer to that, I'm the kind of social media manager who reserves her time for sharing her client's content on social media. When that's all said and done, there's not a lot of time left for personal sharing.

I approach my personal social media much in the way I tell my clients to. Use the networks that make the most sense for you. If you'd like to read more about my social media philosophy for small businesses click here.

Up to now, I've put all my personal emphasis into my Instagram account. I'm a visual person who loves photography, so of course I love it. Photography is the art of telling stories through images and social media is about connecting and sharing. Who wouldn't love a gateway for sharing stories in such a compelling and visual way? And for my personal sharing and connecting, Instagram is my favorite.

So, why have I finally decided to join Twitter? Well, because Twitter has tremendous value in sharing news quickly and succinctly. I now have a need to share my news and I need to keep in the know about what's happening around me. Period. As I've already mentioned in my installment about Tools Of The Trade, I will use all the tools I need to get a job done.

I'm also in the process of doing exactly what I tell all my clients to do when first starting out. I am finding which networks are best for me. That means keeping an open mind and trying them all. The prospect of one more network, one more account, one more news feed, and one more message inbox to manage is daunting, but I'm excited to dive in and see what I can make of it. We never know until we try, and we shouldn't rule something out until we know.

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